How do I get back issues of periodicals?


An HCC library may keep some older copies of periodical or serial publications, but different limitations may apply to each library, so it's best to check with them individually. At the Katy campus library, for example, we keep our magazines for six months and our newspapers for a week. This policy will vary at other locations.

Depending on the newspaper, magazine, or journal, you may be able to find back issues by looking through one of our library databases. You may also wish to check our Journal Finder, which will help narrow down which database(s) to look inside.

We also have a service called Flipster, which provides access to several magazines online. If you click on the magazine you would like to view, you can click the image of books in the top right corner to see "All issues" available for that title.

  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2023
  • Views 392
  • Answered By Daniel Dylla

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